Monday, June 25, 2012

Another hospital visit

I had an appointment at Bendigo hospital this morning to see a specialist about my hernia condition.

The news was not good. He feels that there is no point in operating as it seems the first hernia operation (back in 2008) has failed. Apparently there is a 70% per cent chance of another failure if they operate again. I suppose the good news is that I won't have to have another operation. 

I don't like hospitals very much.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lunch in Rochester

Today, the Coffee Connect group went up to Rochester for lunch at Kits Cafe. We did that last year. It is our way of helping the cafe get back on it's feet after the floods of two years ago. There was a smaller crowd than last year but it was a great day anyway.

Unlike last time, it did not rain all day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Queen's birthday 2012

Today is the Queens birthday - so everybody has a public holiday. I saw the movie Prometheus at the cinema. It was quite a good movie. I saw the 3d version. It was the first time I saw a movie in 3d - it is awesome. It is the first time I have been to the movies in  a couple of years. The weather is still very cold.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A meeting to discuss fraud.

This morning I attended a meeting at Neale St Uniting Church hall. The meeting was about fraud and misconduct. A guy from Ernst and Young in Melbourne spoke. Apparently somebody in the Melbourne scene of Unitingcare may have been committing some wrongdoing and they held a meeting to discuss it and it's ramifications. It was an interesting meeting.

I did not end up going to the gym. The weather is very cold and windy.

A good day at last.

I finally had a good day after a week of frustration. My internet had stopped working for a week or so. However, my good friend Gary Davis h...