Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Learning Responsive web design

Today was Bendigo Cup day, which is a public holiday in Bendigo. I spent most of the day doing a lesson on Responsive Web design. This makes a web page scale to size if shown on a tablet or a mobile phone. It was a good first lesson and I am glad that I completed it, even though it was a nice day outside.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Coffee Connect day at Skydancer's in Harcourt

Today, the Coffee Connect group from Connect Church traveled down to the Skydancer's cafe in Harcourt for lunch and a general get together. Skydancer's is both a cafe and a place that sells plants and household knick knacks. It was a really nice meal and a really nice day. The only problem was that one older lady fainted later in the day but she recovered and made it home safely.  It was a very good trip and we will do it again one day soon. I got to take a lot of really cool photos.

Today, the Coffee Connect group from Connect Church traveled down to the Skydancer's cafe in Harcourt for lunch and a general get together. Skydancer's is both a cafe and a place that sells plants and household knick kn  acks. It was           

Day at Skydancers Cafe with Coffee Connect

Today, some o the Coffee Connect group from Connect Church traveled down to Harcourt to visit the Skydancer's cafe. it is a cafe that also sells gardenia accessories plus household knick knacks. It was a really nice day with a really nice group. One of the ladies fainted later on, but she was ok later and made it home safely. It was a very nice meal s well.

Friday, October 11, 2013

John Mellor meeting

This evening after work, I went up to the Life Centre Church in Bendigo to attend a healing meeting that features healing evangelist John Mellor. It was good to go back to my old church building, even though a lot has changed since last time I was there.

It was a very exciting meeting and I believe that a lot of people were dynamically and spiritually healed. I received prayer for my hernia condition.

A good day at last.

I finally had a good day after a week of frustration. My internet had stopped working for a week or so. However, my good friend Gary Davis h...