Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Another visit to the Doctor

I had another visit to my doctor today. Got the all clear. The doctor will try to get my follow up operation moved forward. Good.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Socceroos win the Asian Cup Final

This evening, the Socceroos won the Asian Cup Final by beating South Korea 2-1. It was a nail biting game but it was well worth watching.

Go the Socceroos.

Scots Day Out 2015

Today was Scots day Out in Rosalind Park. I took my camera down there as well as my new mono-pod and got some great photos ans a few videos (which didn't turn out well). I was an interesting day, if a bit hot. There was the usual pipe bands, Scottish dancing etc and a  few displays.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ears waxed out. I can hear again.

Today, i visited the Primary care Clinic to get my ears cleaned out. An Indian lady doctor did the operation and thank goodness, i can hear properly again. Cool.

I got a text message from Optus telling me my new internet will be connected on the 6th of march.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A new Mono pod and I sign up for a new web hosting plan

Today, I did two new things. I went to Optus to sign up for a new broadband web hosting plan. It will be a Naked broadband plan that allows me to download 30 GB of data per month. That will be better than my existing plan that only allows me 8 GB. Because I am an existing Optus customer, I get a discount on my mobile phone plan.

Afterwards a bought as Mono pod from JB HI FI. It is a device I can attach my camera too when I am outdoors, to make for steadier shooting.

It also acts like a walking stick.

Funeral of an old friend

This week, my good friend Colin Pilcher passed away after a fall at his home. I have known Colin for more than 40 years and it was sad to se...