Monday, October 31, 2016

Last day of October 2016

Today was memorable for two things. At BUCO, a new regime officially took over the place. Unfortunately, they have fired a couple of people, which I am disappointed about.

I also started a new part time job as a catalog deliverer. This will take place every Wednesday and go for a few hours. I should be able to earn some extra income from them. I will see how it goes.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Last weekend. My mothers 90th birthday party.

My family celebrated my mothers 90th birthday party last weekend. It was held at the St George Sailing Club at Dolls point in Sydney. Nearly all the family came and we had a great afternoon all up. I would not have missed this for the world even though it was a bit of an expensive weekend. I stayed at the Ibis hotel in Sydney, which is located near Sydney Airport.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Lake Eppalock Spillway overflowing.

Today, I visited the lake Eppalock Spillway for the first time in years. The spillway was overflowing.

It was an awesome sight to see. It came about because it has rained all throughout the winter. This only happens very rarely, in fact this is only the third time since the year 2000 that this has happened.

What a sight, what a blessing. This bodes well for the upcoming summer.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Cronulla Sharks finally win a grand final.

Today, the Cronulla Sharks finally won their first premiership. It has only taken them about 50 years to do it. They beat the Melbourne Storm 14-10 in the grand final. It has been  along time. They came into the competition in 1967 and had to wait this long to get a premiership. Well done the Sharks. Keep it up.

The original team in 1967. Things have changed since then.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

AFL Grand Final day 2016

Today was the the AFL Grand Final for 2016. It was a match between my team, the Sydney Swans and the Western Bulldogs. In the end, the Bulldogs won by 22 points. It was a great match, the lead see sawed back and forth for 3 quarters but my team eventually lost.

Actually, I was not sorry to see the Bulldogs win as it was their first premiership in 62 years. 
The last time they won was back in 1954, the year I was born. Well done to the Western Bulldogs.

Funeral of an old friend

This week, my good friend Colin Pilcher passed away after a fall at his home. I have known Colin for more than 40 years and it was sad to se...