Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another 'fairly' quiet wednesday

As usual, Wednesday is a day off for me, which just means that i do not have to go into BUCO for the day. I got a few dvd's from the Goldfields library, got a haircut and tried to download the latest version of, that is version 3.5. As it was a 63mb download i soon gave up, it was taking too long. Inthe evening, we had our men's shiraz group. This time we met at Rod Giri's house in Junortoun. We watched a really good movie called 'Wild Hogs', that was great. We drank a lot of wine and had a great general discussion and a good prayer time afterwards. It was a pretty good day after all.

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A good day at last.

I finally had a good day after a week of frustration. My internet had stopped working for a week or so. However, my good friend Gary Davis h...