Saturday, September 26, 2009

Grand Final day 2009

I stayed home and watched the Grand final on TV. It was a great game which Geelong ended up winning by 12 points. The game was an arm wrestle all day. The weather is very cold and wet, which is good in a sense as we still need the rain.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The day before grand final day 2009

It was raining hard all day today. I was late getting to BUCO as i had to wait until the gas heater  maintenance man arrived. He could not fix the gas heater as he had to wait to get a replacement part.

I did not have much work to do at BUCO and left early to go to Connect Church. 

Ken Miller was happy with the database program I delivered him. I stayed on for the men's night in the loft. There were not many there but it was a good night anyway.

Still no real progress on the prospective web site. 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Meeting in a different place

At Connect Church this morning we met in the Administration building, rather than the church hall.
They are laying new carpet in the Hall and it will take about 3 weeks to complete the process. We will meet in the admin block for the next two Sundays.

Ps Russell preached from John 11, concerning the story of Lazarus. The theme of the message was that God uses our circumstances to teach us things and to change us as individuals. God seeks to change us so that he may work through us to achieve a specific purpose.

I went to Holy Trinity in the evening. Mick and Val Lee were there.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First week of September 2009

Last Wednesday evening, we held the Shiraz club meeting at Kevin Furness's house in Strathfieldsaye. We did the usual talking and ended up talking about motor bikes. The evening ended in prayer as the guys shared some intimate secrets and issues regarding family members.

I went up to Connect Church on Friday and showed Ken Miller a few really cool church website designs I saw on the internet. In particular a church website called Long Hollow particularly caught our attention. We feel that we may need to redesign our website in a similar manner.

I spent this morning looking at various trail bikes with an eye to eventually owning one again. In particular, the Kawasaki 250 took my eye.

The weather got warm very suddenly. In the evening Collingwood came from behind to beat Adelaide. It was a great match.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fathers day, 2009

It was fathers day today. Not being a dad, i was not concerned by it. We celebrated it at church this morning. There was a special fathers day service on in the evening which i could not attend. Instead, i watched "Zulu" on DVD. It was ok.

Friday, September 4, 2009

End of the week - "The door opens"

After (mostly) catching up with work at BUCO- i went to Connect Church intending to go to the afternoon tea - which was not on as it turned out. But i got to talking to Ken about doing some other work for the church. By the way -  i won the footy tipping at BUCO. They are amazed that some one from NSW can be the best AFL tipper. Cool.

I feel that "the door has opened". Stay tuned..!

Funeral of an old friend

This week, my good friend Colin Pilcher passed away after a fall at his home. I have known Colin for more than 40 years and it was sad to se...