Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another weekend over and done with

At Connect Church this morning, Ps Simon Williams once again preached from Nehemiah. The topic of the sermon was "Building in the Lord". The theme is that the Lord wants to build up Connect Church. The weather is still very hot.

There is good news concerning Kevin Furness..! The latest is that Kevin is moving to St. John of God Rehab on Monday. It's another miracle! On Thursday he was 10th in line for a bed at the hospital, by Friday night he was told he would be going up there on Monday. Timing is perfect as Jenny was planning to go back to work on Monday in any case.

He is gaining in strength each day. He is able to stand up and take his weight for a short time, and can turn over in bed without any help. Lungs are still a problem as there is a small pleural effusion. This was meant to be tapped today but I haven't heard if this has happened. This is another hurdle to get over, but if we look at what he's got over so far .......!! Need I say more?

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