Monday, February 7, 2011

TAOC and Ramjahal

Today I went for an interview with Louise Howland who runs TAOC (The Art of Conversation) in Kangaroo Flat. This is a board game that is sold overseas. She also shares her business premises with Ramjahal, an embroidery business run by her partner Keith Lamb (the former lead singer of Hush, a famous rock group from my youth). I was there to discuss the prospect of keeping their web site updated on a regular basis. I was actually a day early (my mistake), but they were very gracious about it. We had a good talk and although nothing firm was decided, she sent away an email to the bloke who created the web site so that we could both get more information. I will find out more later.

1 comment:

Career said...

Hello Gerry, found is post whilst looking for a taoc stockiest in Sydney. Are you very busy at present? Could we catch up again please to discuss some web site etc.?
If so give me a call, 0429390427 or office 03 54477699
Thanks so much. Like your post too.

A good day at last.

I finally had a good day after a week of frustration. My internet had stopped working for a week or so. However, my good friend Gary Davis h...