Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The last week in October

I haven't updated this for a bit so let's recap. On Friday 21st October Roger Connell came up here to BUCO and installed a new database for the Case Management workers. It is good that they will now have their own data store. I spent most of the day with Roger and Riana getting things sorted out.

On Monday the 24th October I felt really ill and did not go into work at all. I feel that the indigestion made a bit of a comeback after I ate some very spicy sausages.

I felt better the next day and was able to go to work. Wednesday the 26th was Bendigo cup day. I did not go to the races but did some shopping instead. I bought some new trousers and undies.

I came back to work on Thursday the 27th. I had to see the doctor in the afternoon. It was a new doctor named Dr Tarsh. He seemed really nice. He put me back onto my regime of blood pressure tablets but otherwise it seems my health is generally quite good. People are telling me that it looks as though I have lost weight. That feels pretty good.

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