Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 xmas holidays

To recap

This is what I have been doing for the holidays:

24th December: flew to Canberra to stay with my brother John and his family. It was great to see them again.

25th December: Got up early to open the presents. I got a few nice ones. In the afternoon my mother, sister Pauline and her fiance Barry Wiley arrived. They had driven down from Batemans Bay. They were a little bit late but we had a nice late lunch and dinner. I have never eaten so many prawns. There were more presents to be had. I had a lot of fun with the kids as always.

26th December: In the morning we left Canberra and drove up to Sydney. The trip was ok but the car was a little bit cramped. I was glad when we arrived.

In the evening we attended a party at the house of my neice Caitlin Lang and her fiancee Jarrod. Other family members were there and I met a few people i had not seen for years. When the party was over we went to my sister Maryanne's house in Mosman and spent the night there.

27th December: Pauline, Mum and myself left Sydney and drove up the New England Highway to Armidale. It was a great trip but once again, the car was a bit cramped and I was glad to get to Armidale. We stayed overnight at the Hideaway Inn, which was nice. We had dinner at a local pub.

28th December: Drove from Armidale to Brisbane via Casino. Once again it was a good trip. Sitting in the back seat with the top down I could hear sounds like bells in the trees. It was Bellbirds singing. It was interesting driving into Brisbane.

29th - 30th December: Generally relaxing, taking life easy. Did some shopping in Brisbane.

31st Devember: I went for a walk to the tennis centre and watched some of the qualifiers playing. I couldn't see anyone famous around. In the evening, Pauline and myself went to Suncorp Stadium to see Brisbane Roar play Melbourne Victory. Harry Kewell scored for Victory after 2 minutes. The Roar looked a bit ragged but scored a goal before half time. They scored two more in the second half and won 3-1. It was a good game and my first A-League match. I was very impressed and I felt that it was a good way to spend New Years eve.


tom said...

wow, what an interesting blog..

tom said...

well, was that exciting or what?

tom said...

I really wonder about blog sites, why would anyone want to waffle on about what they do, like, who cares.
I just think the personal info is of no interest to other people, so why waste time doing it.
Go and get a life.

tom said...

Its good to recieve presents, even nice ones, but are we talking about an adult here.
I gave my brother a chq for $1000, which he really liked.
In return he gave me a chq for $1000, so that was good, we each got to buy something that we wanted.
I had to evict a tenant last week, she was 3 mths behind in rent, 8 mths pregnant, and had 7 kids. 4 dogs and a goat. You should see the mess left behind. As it was a one bedroom flat, there was only 3 rooms to clean up and paint. Its the stench that will linger on. O well, I may rent it out to the sudenese people, they dont seem to care.

Our senior pastors are leaving at the end of the year

At the end of church this morning, we found out the sad news that our senior pastors Kerrin and Teagan Wallis will be leaving Bendigo in Dec...