Saturday, November 24, 2012

Melbourne Motorcycle Expo 2012

Today, I traveled down  to Melbourne to see the 2012 Melbourne Motorcycle Expo. Getting down there proved to be a challenge. There was a signalling problem in Melbourne so we had to get off the train at Sunbury and catch a metro train to Sunshine from where we had to take a bus to Southern Cross Station.

The bus trip was very slow and my temper was tested. I seem to run into a few annoying loud mouths on the bus. We arrived almost an hour late.

Thankfully the Motorcycle Expo was very good as usual. There were some great bikes on display.

I got to sit on most of them and get a feel for them. I really liked the KTM's and the Husaberg models.

Thankfully the trip back was OK, no dramas.

I was back in Bendigo by 5.30 pm and home by 6.00 pm. Hot and tired, but it was a good day after all.

I have not upgraded this blog for a while as there has been nothing to report until today.

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