Wednesday, June 7, 2017


This is my review of the book that was sent to me by Murach 

Publishing in the United States.

My last experience of using Visual Basic was Visual Basic 3.0, which came out in the mid 1990's. I had great fun learning that program and even developed a Poker playing program with it. It also helped me to get started learning VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), which I found very useful when I started working with Microsoft Access. So I have had a bit of history with Visual Basic.

So when I got hold of this book, which is 900 pages long, I was intrigued to know what I would find that is new. Clearly, a lot has changed since I last used Visual Basic.

I downloaded the Community Edition, which is free. I am glad that I didn't have to pay for it.

Section 1. Introduction to Visual Basic programming.

Chapter 1: How to get started with Visual Studio.

Pages 4-5. An introduction to .NET Development

These pages provided a good introduction to new things like web forms, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, the WPF and the differences between them.

The obvious thing about Visual Basic (VB) today is that Microsoft have reinvented it as a web programming language.

Pages 6-7. Visual Studio and the .NET programming language.

I installed the Visual Studio Community Edition. For a free program, it is very comprehensive. I can see where this will be a bit daunting to first time users. I don't think that I will bother learning C#, C++ or F# at this stage.

I will look forward to using learning about the SQL Server Express Local DB.

Pages 8-9. The .NET Framework.

The diagram on page 9 is very clear. The explanation on page 8 is easy to follow and it all makes sense.

Pages 10-11. The Visual Studio IDE.

I am familiar with the Visual Studio IDE. I can see where this would be daunting to new comers.

Pages 12-13. How a VB application is compiled and run.

This process is familiar to me. I am glad that the author explained that a solution can hold one or more projects.
Pages 14-15. A tour of the Visual Studio IDE.

Easy enough to understand. I am eager to find out more about Microsoft Azure.

Pages 16-17. How to open and close an existing project.

I have just downloaded your project files from I am pleased to see that your Chapter 1 example worked well.

I did not realize that solution can contain projects written in both in VB, C++ and other languages. I thought that was a revealing point.

Pages 18-19. How to use the Form Designer.

I opened up the project in Chapter 01. I eventually realized that I had to click in the Solution Explorer to get the form designer to open up.

Pages 20-21. How to use the Code Editor.

The code editor works like any other text editor. Clicking on any control brings it up.

Pages 22-23. How to use the Solution Explorer.

By clicking around in this window made everything understandable.

Pages 24-25. How to work with Visual Studio Windows.

Clicking on the Auto-hide button on the Toolbox window produced interesting results.
I am glad that you mentioned the Reset Window Layout Command. I think that it is best to keep my layout as the default layout from now on.

Pages 26-27. How to test a Project.

The start button is definitely the best method. Pressing F5 works as well.

Pages 28-31. How to upgrade Projects and change .NET Framework versions.

As I have not previously created .NET projects, these pages were of little use to me.


This chapter seems to deal essentially with the concepts of the .NET framework and how VB seems to fit into the framework. This might be a bit overwhelming for a total newcomer, although for some one with previous VB experience, it is good to find these things out.

Chapter 2: How to design a Windows forms application.

Pages 36-37. How to set options and create a new project.

These steps were easy to follow.

Pages 38-39. How to create a new project.

On my PC, at first I could not find the “Create Directory for Solution Check Box” or the “Add to Source Control Check Box”. I only found them when I clicked on the Web link on the left pane.

Pages 40-41. How to design a form.

I am quite familiar with VB forms so this was easy to follow.

Pages 42-43. How to add controls to a form.

I played around with the controls for a while and found them easy to manipulate. Your text explains them quite well.

Pages 44-45. How to set properties.

This was well explained. It is rather easy to work out after clicking around and experimenting with the various buttons and controls.

Pages 46-47. Common properties for forms and controls.

As I have leaned VB previously, I found these pages self-explanatory. But I can see where a total newcomer might get a bit confused just here.

Pages 48-49. How to add Navigation Features.

Setting the Tab order was easy. The other items make more sense with practice.

Pages 50-51. The property settings for the Invoice Total Form.

I went through all the properties on page 51 and got all the properties types in.
It was easy to follow.

Pages 52-53. How to add and save all the files of a project.

It is useful to know how to use the Solution Explorer window to change the various names of the project.


This chapter provided the reader with a good overview of how to add controls to a form and how to set properties. I am starting to see where a brand new user might find this book a little bit heavy going.

Chapter 3. How to code and test a Windows Forms application.

Pages 58-59. An introduction to coding.

Introduction to object-oriented programming.

As I am an experienced programmer, I am familiar with these concepts and found your explanations a good overview. But I am starting to fee that this might be a bit heavy for a complete newcomer.

Pages 60-61. How to properties, methods and events.

This was interesting. I think a few more visual examples would be good here.

Pages 62-63. How an application response to events.

This was well explained.

Pages 64-65. How an add code to a form.

This makes more sense the more you do it.

Pages 66-67. How Intellisense help you enter the code in a form.

I find Intellisense very useful, but like everything else, it takes time to get used to using it.

Pages 68-69. Coding rules for VB statements.

This makes more sense with practice. It is good to be able to break up long lines of code on other lines.

Pages 70-71. The event handlers for the Invoice Total Form.

As an experienced programmer, I found this code easy to understand. But I can see where some body new to programming would struggle with it..

Pages 72-73. How to code a readable style.

From a coding point of view, this makes good sense.

Pages 74-75. How to code comments.

I generally find using comments to be very helpful.

Pages 76-77. How to detect and correct syntax errors.

I found the light bulb feature very useful. I also found that I did not really need the Error List Window after a while.

Pages 78-79. More skills for working with code.

Learning how to comment out and uncomment whole lines of code was useful.
I had not used the Text Editor toolbar before! Being able to zoom in and out is very useful, particularly with my ageing eyeballs.

Clicking on an object and highlighting it is a great idea.

Pages 82-83. How to use Code Snippets.

It was useful to learn about code snippets, even though most editors now use them. They are a very useful feature as they save lots of time.

Pages 84-85. How to refactor code.

I found that being able to rename all occurrences of a variable in your code is a great tool as it will save the user a lot of mistakes.

Pages 86-87. How to perform quick actions with light bulbs.

Covered this previously.

Pages 88-89. How to use the annotations in the scroll bar.

I can see where Map Mode would be useful for helping with very long lines of code.

Pages 90-91. How to use the My feature.

This will make more sense as we go on with VB.

Pages 92-93. How to get Help information

I visited the website at and found it to be very comprehensive.

Pages 94-95. How to run, test and debug a VB project.

It was interesting to find there is more than one way to run and debug a project.

I won't comment about testing and debugging. I have learned that you become good at these things with practice.


What I found interesting about this chapter was the little tricks I learned about for the first time such as refactoring code, how to use Map Mode and using the light bulb feature. It has helped me to be more confident with the newer features of Visual Basic.

Section 2 The Visual Basic language essentials.

Chapter 4: How to work with numeric and string data.

Pages 106 – 107. How to work with the built-in value types.

I am familiar with the concept of data types. The Sbyte, Ushort, Uinteger and ULong are new to me.

Pages 108 – 109. How to declare and initialize variables.

The concept of using C and D after assigning variables is new to me.

Pages 110 – 111. How to declare and initialize constants.

The concept of using C and D after assigning variables is new to me.

I had not heard of Pascal notation before.

Pages 112 – 113. How to code arithmetic expressions.

I am familiar with all the operators here, having previously used Qbasic for years.

I hadn't heard of the words binary and unary operators before.

Pages 114 – 115. How to code assignment statements.

It is interesting to see that VB has adopted the shortcut assignment operators.

Pages 116 – 117. How to work with the order of precedence.

I found that this is important to know when doing mathematical operations. It is always useful to know that using parentheses overrides the order of precedence.

Pages 118 – 119. How to use casting.

This was well explained, although I am never sure why you would want to cast data from one type to another.

Pages 120 - 121. How to change the type semantics.

It is probably a good idea to use the Strict Type all the time in order to catch errors.

Pages 122 – 123. How to use the Math Class.

I tried all your examples and they worked fine. I can see where you need to be careful about rounding.

Pages 124 – 125. How to work with strings.

I am familiar with using strings. The Nothing keyword was new to me as was using &= to append strings.
Pages 126 – 127. How to convert data types.

I have never heard of these things referred to as Structures and Classes before.

Pages 128 – 129. How to use Visual basic functions to convert data types.

I found that all your type conversion examples worked well. I used the Console Application to experiment on them.

Pages 130 – 131. How to use methods of the .NET data structures to convert data types.

I tried out your examples using the Console Application and everything came out as expected.

Pages 132 – 133. How to use methods of the Convert class to convert data types.

Again, I types in all your examples on page 133 and they all worked OK.

Pages 134 – 135. How to use the formatting functions.

Again, I types in all your examples on page 135 and they all worked just fine.

Pages 136 – 137. How to use methods to convert numbers to formatted strings.

I just read through these pages and did not type in any of the examples. It just seems to me there are a number of different ways to do the same thing in VB.

Pages 138 – 139. Three more skills for working with data.

How to work with Scope.

You did a good job of explaining the difference between Module Scope and Procedure Scope.

Pages 140 – 141. How to declare and use enumerations.

This seems to be just another way of using Constants.

Pages 142 – 143. How to work with nullable types.

This seems to be just another way of using Constants.

I am not sure of the point of nullable types for numeric values although I can see their usefulness with strings.

Pages 144 – 145. Two versions of the Invoice Total application.

I typed this program in and everything worked well. Everything is easy to understand.

Pages 146 – 147. The enhanced Invoice Total application.

This program was a lot more advanced and I was impressed with how it added things up and kept track of all the invoices.


There was a lot to take in here. It all makes sense but it was interesting to see all the different ways that we can do things in VB. It gave me a good handle on using the various data types and converting them.

Chapter 5 How to code control structures.

Pages 152 – 153. How to code Boolean expressions.

I am familiar with comparison operators. It was interesting to read that if we compare data values of different data types, VB casts the value of the lesser type to the more precise type.

Pages 154 – 155. How to use the logical operators.

I have never heard of AndAlso and OrElse before. I do feel that some better examples here would have been useful.

It was worth noting that NOT operations are performed first, followed by AND then OR operations.

Pages 156 – 157. How to code conditional statements.

I am quite familiar with If statements. Your examples were quite good.

Pages 158 – 159. How to code Select Case statements.

I am also quite familiar with Select Case statements. Your examples were easy to follow.

Pages 160 – 161. An enhanced version of the Invoice Total application.

I types in your example on page 161 and it ran the first time. It was interesting to see the use of AndAlso instead of And.

Pages 162 – 163. How to code loops.

How to code For loops

I am familiar with the various loops used in BASIC. All your examples worked well. I tried them out in the Console Window.

Pages 164 – 165. How to Do loops.

I tested out your programs in the Console Window and they produced identical results.

Pages 166 – 167. How to use the Exit and Continue statements.

Both of your examples worked well. I can see the value of the Exit For statement but I am not sure of the point of the Continue For statement.

Pages 168 – 169. Debugging techniques for programs with loops.

I did not pay much attention to debugging programs. I find that debugging is a skill that you develop as you progress.

Pages 170 - 173. The future value application.

I types in the program and it worked well. It was interesting to see how you used a For loop to calculate the value.


The AndAlso and OrElse operators were new to me. Otherwise, there was nothing really new here as far as the Control structures of BASIC are concerned. It was interesting to see how you used a For Loop to in the Invoice Application at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 6. How to code procedures and event handlers.

Pages 178 – 179. How to code and call procedures.

I am familiar with the concept of procedures. It was important to make the distinction between Public and Private access modifiers. It is also important to notice that ByRef changes the values in the calling procedure.

Pages 180 – 181. How to call Sub procedures.

Using the Me keyword is useful. This was easy to follow.

Pages 182 – 183. When and how to pass arguments by reference and by value.

I do wonder about the wisdom of calling something by reference. It might be risky to change the value in the calling procedure, particularly if you are using that procedure regularly.

Pages 184 – 185. How to code function procedures.

Functions always seem to me to be more useful and Sub procedures.

Pages 186 – 187. How to use optional parameters.

There are clearly a few different ways to use parameters. I am not sure why some of
these get used at all.

Pages 188 – 189. How to use refactoring to create a new procedure and it's calling statement.

The refactoring method worked well. I was surprised to see how easy it was to create a new function.

Pages 190 – 191. How to work with events.

By this stage, this was easy to follow.

Pages 192 – 193. How to handle multiple events with one event handler.

I did not know that this feature existed.

Pages 194 – 195. How to use the Code Editor to start an event handler.

Using the Drop Down box was interesting. It is intriguing to see there are so many available events.

Pages 196 – 197. How to add and remove event wiring.

I am not sure why you would add or remove events while the program is running.
I am sure it will make more sense when we get into using data sources.

Pages 198 – 199. Another version of the Future value application.
I eventually got this code to work after cleaning up my typing errors. It is always interesting to see how sub routines and functions operate.


It was cool to learn about a few new things such as code refractoring and using multiple events with one event handler. This program is starting to get a bit complicated though.

Chapter 7: How to handle exceptions and validate data.

Pages 204 – 205. How to use the IsNumeric function for data validation.

I tried your example on page 205 and it worked well. I can see the sense of the IsNumeric function.

Pages 206 – 207. How to display a dialog box for error messages.

The basics of dialog boxes was well explained.

Pages 208 – 209. How exception handling works.

These pages did a fine job of explaining the concepts of the Exception classes and their various sub classes.

Pages 210 – 211. How to use structures exception handling.

Again, your example on page 211 worked well and was easy to follow.

Pages 212 – 213. How to use the properties and methods of an exception.

I tried out your example on page 213. It certainly threw up an impressive error message.
I hope I won't get that in my applications!

Pages 214 – 215. How to catch specific types of exceptions.

In your example on page 215, the format exception and the overflow exception all showed up as expected.

Pages 216 – 217. How to “throw” an exception.

I am not real sure of what “throwing” an exception does or for that matter, what is the idea of “rethrowing”.

Pages 218 – 219. The Future Value application with exception handling.

Your example on page 219 worked well. It caught all the exception and overflow errors.
It is easy to see the value of good data validation.

Pages 220 – 221. How to validate data.

Your examples on page 221 all worked well. You obviously cannot underestimate the value of good data validation.

Pages 222– 223. How to generic procedures to validate an entry.

I can see the value of using generic procedures that can work with any textbox.

Pages 224 – 225. How to validate multiple entries.

I wonder if throwing it all together like this is the best way to do validation. I am sure it will make more sense when we get to the program.

Page 226 – 229. The Future Value application with data validation.

It took me a while to type this one in but thankfully, all the data validation worked.

Pages 230 – 231. Two other ways to validate data.

Using the Validating event.

I think it makes more sense to do the validating while the data is in the control.

Pages 232 – 233. How to use the masked text box.

I can see where using a mask would be great for phone numbers and dates in particular.


This chapter was very comprehensive. It took me a while to get through it. I can see why data validation is critical and you did a good job of exploring the various aspects of the topic.

Chapter 8: How to use arrays and collections.

Pages 238 – 239. How to work with one-dimensional arrays.

I am quite familiar with arrays. What is new here is the New keyword and using a text box to get the upper bound of the array.

I take it that the New keyword allows us to have multiple instances of an array with the same name?

Pages 240 – 241. How to assign values to the elements of the array.

Page 241 helped make more sense as to what the New keyword is about. The Option Infer keyword is also a new concept here.

Pages 242 – 243. How to use For Loops to work with arrays.

Your examples on page 243 all worked very well.

Pages 244 – 245. How to use For each loops to work with arrays.

It was interesting to see how the For each loop simplified the code. I noticed that we do not need to use subscripts when using this loop!

Pages 246 – 249. How to work with rectangular arrays.

It was interesting to see the different ways a two dimensional array can be created.

Your examples on page 249 all worked well. It was interesting to see just how you worked out the rows and columns of the array.

Pages 250 – 253. How to work with jagged arrays.

I am not sure of the value of a jagged array, but your example worked well when I tried them.

Pages 254 – 255. More skills for working with arrays.

I tried out your examples on page 255 and they all worked well. I found at first your BinarySearch method a bit confusing! It is important that both arrays be of the same length.

Pages 256 – 257. How to refer to, copy and resize arrays.

I typed in your examples on page 257 and they all worked. I did not realise that you can do so much with an array.

Pages 258 – 259. How to code procedures that work with arrays.

Again all your examples on page 259 worked well. I am finding that to understand this subject, you must type them all in to get a handle on the subject.

Pages 260 -261. How to use the null-conditional operator.

I am not sure why you would want to use a null-conditional operator in an array. I am sure I will soon find out.

Pages 262 – 269. How to work with collections.

I read through these pages and did all the examples. They all worked well. I can see where collections are more versatile than arrays.

Pages 270 – 273. How to work with a sorted list.

This was really easy to follow.

Pages 274 – 275 How to work queues and stacks.

Again all these examples were easy to follow.

Pages 276 – 277 How to work with an array list.

Again all these examples worked well and were easy to follow.


Before I read this chapter, I felt that I was very familiar with arrays. It was fascinating to find out the many different ways of working with arrays and also collections.

I can see where collections would be a bit faster, although it will take time to get used to using them. This chapter explains the concepts very well.

Chapter 9: How to work with dates and strings.

Pages 282 - 285. How to get the current data and time.

All your examples worked well.

Pages 286 - 287. How to get information about dates and times.

The information on these pages was so clear that I did not see any need to type the examples in.

Pages 288 - 289. How to perform operations on dates and times.

Again everything was explained clearly and all your examples worked well.

Pages 290– 291. How to the VB properties and functions to work with dates and times.

Your example worked well. I think a few more examples might have been good just here as there are a lot of properties and functions involving dates and times.

Pages 292 – 295. How to work with strings.

I coded these examples in using the Console application. All worked well.

Pages 296 – 297. More examples that work with strings.

I did all the examples on page 297 and everything worked well. I was impressed with how much easier it was to use the Split method.

Page 298 – 299. How to use the Parse and TryParse methods to validate numeric input.

This made for some very interesting reading.

Pages 300 – 301. How to use the StringBuilder class.

Just why you would use the StringBuilder class, I am not sure. Made for interesting reading though!

Pages 302 – 303. How to use VB functions to work with strings.

I am used to working with VB functions from working with VBA. It is worth noting that these
functions use 1 as the first index, not zero.

Pages 304 – 307. How to format numbers, dates and times.

This made for more complicated reading. I am not sure why anybody would go to the trouble of using these formats, although I can see the sense of formatting dates.

Pages 308 – 309. How to use interpolated strings.

I am used to working with VB functions from working with VBA. It is worth noting that these
functions use 1 as the first index, not zero.


Clearly, the string and data handling functions in VB have changed a lot in recent years.
This chapter certainly provided a comprehensive look at these functions and formats. I doubt if I would ever use them all but it is good to know that they exist.

Chapter 10: More skills for working with Windows forms and controls.

Pages 316 – 319. How to work with Combo boxes and List boxes.

I have used Combo boxes and List boxes previously and it was interesting how to use VB to load information into them.

Pages 320 – 321. How to work with check boxes and radio buttons.

It is good to know how to use VB with these things.

Pages 322 – 323. How to use the tab Order view to set the tab order.

This was easy to understand.

Pages 326 – 333. How to work with multi-form projects.

I just read through these pages and they were easy to understand.

Pages 334 – 337. How to use the MessageBox class.

Again, this was easy to understand.

Pages 338 – 347. The Payment application.

I typed this example in and it worked first time. It was impressive to see how you can swap data between two forms.


I have used VB forms and controls previously, but this was the first time I ever saw how to swap data between two forms. This something to keep in mind if I ever have to build a large application.

Chapter 11: How to create and learn classes.

Pages 352 – 353. An introduction to classes.

This was a good intro to the idea of three layers and how classes are used in them.

Pages 354 – 355. The members you can define within a class.

This provided a good description of what you can do within a class. I had not been sure what Encapsulation was until I read this article.

Pages 356 – 357. The code for the Product class.

I found this a bit tricky to understand at first! I am sure it will make more sense as I go on.

Pages 358 – 359. How instantiation works.

I had to read through this very carefully. This seemed quite tricky at first. It always gets more complicated when there are more than one way to do things.

Pages 360 – 361. How to create a class.

This was easy to understand.

Pages 362 – 363. How to code fields.

I did not understand at first why the examples use m_ at the beginning of the field name.
Again, this takes some reading to understand properly.

Pages 364 – 365. How to standard properties.

I found these pages fairly heavy going and I am not sure I fully understood it all.

Pages 366– 367. How to code auto-implemented properties.

Again, I found these pages fairly heavy going and I am not sure I fully understood it all.

Pages 368 – 369. How to code methods.

Thankfully, methods are similar to functions and sub procedures.

Pages 370 – 371. How to code constructors.

This part was fairly straightforward as long as you think of a constructor as a sub routine.

Pages 372 – 373. How to code shared members.

Easy enough to understand.

Pages 374 – 375. How to generate code stubs.

I just read through this without paying too much attention to it.
Pages 376 - 383. The Product Maintenance application.

Frankly, this was a bit confusing. I looked at the example files that I downloaded from your site. The chapter 11 file included a project called “Customer Maintenance”. When I ran it, it was full of bugs and did not run properly.

On the other hand there is a “Product Maintenance” project in the Chapter 12 folder of your files. This ran perfectly.

I have to say that as an introduction to Classes, I found this chapter a bit heavy and a little bit confusing. To get a better understanding of the idea of classes, I had to look elsewhere for a few simpler examples to help me get started.

This provided some simple examples that were a good introduction to the concept of classes.

Pages 384 - 389. How to browse, display and edit classes.

I just read through these pages and did not study them in great detail.

Pages 390 - 393. How to work with structures.

Again, I only read through these pages and did not study them in great detail.


I found this chapter rather complicated. Your explanations were not straightforward.
I had to look to other sources to get help with understanding classes, although I can see why they are used.

Chapter 12: How to debug an application.

I did not study this chapter at all as I have found that you only pick up debugging by practice.

Section 3 Database programming.

Chapter 13: An introduction to database programming.

Pages 428 – 429. An introduction to client/server systems.

As an experienced database developer (using Microsoft Access), I already knew this. Your explanation of the topic was very clear though.

Pages 430 – 431. The software components of a client/server system.

You made this topic very clear.

Pages 432 – 433. An introduction to relational databases.

Generally, a good explanation of this topic. I am not sure where we will use a composite key?

Pages 434 – 435. How the tables in a database are related.

It is important to understand the concepts of primary keys and foreign keys as well as the concept of relationships between tables. This was well explained although I thought it was a bit brief for such an important topic.

Pages 436 – 437. How the tables in a column are defined.

Again, this is a very important topic and I thought your explanation was bit brief.
It is important to explain the various data types involved with SQL Server.

Pages 438 – 439. The design of the MMABooks database.

This looks like being an interesting database. It will be interesting to see how the composite key in the InvoiceLineItems table will work.

Pages 440 – 441. How to use SQL to work with a relational database.

These pages did a very good job of explaining the SELECT statement.

Pages 442 – 443. How to join data from two or more tables.

I the past I have always found joining tables, a little bit tricky. I feel that you did a good job here of explaining how an inner join works.

Pages 444 – 445. How to add, update and delete data in a table.

These pages did a fine job of explaining how to update, edit and delete data.
It should be noted that it is easy to get into into trouble with updates and deleted because it can be too easy to update the wrong information or delete the wrong data.

Pages 446 – 447. An introduction to ADO.NET.

This was a good introduction to the concepts of .NET. I get the feeling that .NET is going to be a huge topic and that it will take me a long time to get good with it.

Pages 448 – 449. How the basic ADO.NET components work.

This was well explained.

Pages 450– 451. Concurrency and the Disconnected data architecture.

The issue of concurrency was well explained.

Pages 452 – 453. How a dataset is organised.

The issue of a constraint was well explained.

Pages 454 – 455. How to work with data without using a data adopter.

I am sure that this will make more sense with practice.

Pages 456 – 457. How to create ADO.NET objects.

This was interesting reading but it will only make more sense when we get into the habit of building a databases and datasets.


This chapter was all theory and no practice. As an experienced database manager (I do a lot of work with Microsoft Access), this all makes sense to me. But I can see where a computer novice would struggle with this.

Chapter 14: How to work with data sources and datasets.

Pages 460 – 463. How to create a data source.

All very straightforward. It is always interesting to see three different ways to do the same thing.

Pages 464 – 465. How to choose the database model for a data source.

I played around with this for a while and it eventually came up OK.

Pages 466 – 469. How to create a connection to a database.

I performed all the operations first and then read through them. This will make more sense with practice, I am sure.

Pages 470 – 471. How to choose database objects for a data source.

When this screen came up, I just clicked Finish and read about it later.

Pages 472 – 473. The schema file created by the Data Source configuration wizard.

Everything shows up successfully.

Pages 474 – 475. How to use a date source.

I dragged the dataset to my form and everything worked as planned. I spent time reading and playing with it to understand it all properly.

Pages 476 – 477. A Product Maintenance application that uses a DataGridView control.

I am glad that I did not have to write this code by ourselves.

Pages 478 – 481. How to change the controls associated with a data source.

When I clicked on the Details option from the drop down list and moved the Customers table to the form, I noticed that everything worked as planned. But when I ran the form and tried to move from record to record, the dataset did not update.

Pages 482 – 483. A Customer Maintenance application that uses TextBox controls.

I am glad you posted the code here, because I was able to go fix the problem by going into code and it all worked.

Pages 484 – 485. How to handle data errors.

When I typed in the Try Catch and End Try, all I got was an error message saying VB did not like SQLException?, “as this type was not defined”.

Pages 486 – 489. How to handle ADO.NET errors.

I only read through this. I always find that error handling is something you learn with experience.

Pages 490 - 491. How to use the Dataset designer.

I read through these pages and they made sense.

Pages 492 - 493. How to use the Query Builder.

I read through these pages and after playing around with the Query Builder, I got it to work properly.

Pages 494 – 495. How to preview data for a query.

After I finally worked out how to preview the data for my query, it was nice to see the query
display as I wanted it. I had sorted the names into descending order and they came up the right way.

Pages 496 - 497. How to interpret the generated SQL statements.

As I am familiar with SQL, I was readily able to understand what was involved here.


I found this chapter a bit of a challenge! I had to read through it twice to really get a handle on it. I found that I had to go into the code and delete a few statements after I deleted the grid view and then added the Details view to my form as VB left some unwanted statements in there!

But all up, it did give me a handle on using databases in VB.

Chapter 15: How to work with bound controls and parameterised queries.

Pages 502 – 503. How to work with bound text boxes and combo boxes.

It was interesting to see how to use the Formatting and Advanced Binding dialog boxes.

Pages 504 – 505. How to bind a combo box to a data source.

Using Smart tags is a different way of doing things.

Pages 506 – 507. How to use code to work with a binding source.

The code is looking a bit complicated.

Pages 508 – 509. How to work with parameterized queries.

It was interesting to see how VB creates queries for the database.

I noticed that Murach did not supply an example for Chapter 15 to work with so I did not go on with the rest of this chapter.

Chapter 16: How to use ADO.NET to write your own data access code.

Pages 538 – 539. How to work with connections and commands.

Having worked with ASP previously, this all made sense.

Pages 540 – 541. How to create and work with commands.

This made for interesting reading. It will make more sense when we get into it< I am sure.

Pages 542– 543. How to create and work with Parameters.

A good explanation of the whole concept of parameters.

Pages 544 – 545 How to create parameters.

I am not sure just what DbType and SqlDbType are there for.

Pages 546 – 547. How to work with Parameters.

I am sure that this will make more sense with practice.

Pages 548 – 549. How to execute commands.

I am sure that this will make more sense as I do it for real.

Pages 550 – 551. How to execute queries that return a single value.

The author did a good job of explaining the difference between scalar values and action queries.

Pages 552 – 571 A Customer maintenance application that uses commands.

I am afraid that I could not get this database program to work. The example program that you provided did not work properly either.


It seems to me that putting a database program together in VB.NET is a bit of a complicated exercise. I am a Microsoft Access developer and I am frankly wondering why anybody would bother with VB.NET when you can do things so simply in Access?

Section 4. Object Oriented programming.

I should point out at this point that I found these following topics very advanced and frankly in some cases, right over my head.

Chapter 17. How to work with default properties, events and operators.

I did not go through this chapter in depth. I honestly found it a bit heavy. Thankfully your example worked well.

Chapter 18. How to work with inheritance.

I found this chapter rather heavy in theory. I found that I could only read through it and take it in as best I could. When I tried to run your example, it threw up a lot of errors.

Chapter 19. How to work with generics.

Again, I read through this chapter and tried to make sense of it as best I could.

Chapter 20. How to organise and document your classes.

Once again, I could only read through this and try to make sense of it. Some of these topics are a little two advanced for me just yet. I am still trying to come to grips with the concept of classes.

Chapter 21. How to work with files and data streams.

I found this chapter very verbose. I will study it in a bit more depth when I need to read text files. Your example worked well.

Chapter 22. How to work with XML files.

Again, all I could do was read through this chapter. I will study it in depth if I ever need to work with XML.

Chapter 23. How to use LINQ.

Again, I could only read through it and try to make sense of this chapter. I can see that LINQ is a query language that works with all the .NET languages. Your example program did not work either.

Chapter 24. How to work use the Entity Framework.

Once again, I could only read through it and try to make sense of this chapter.

Chapter 25. How to enhance the user interface.

I am surprised that you left it this late to talk about Tabs and Toolbars?
The same goes for the status bar and the timer control, as well as the tool tips and the context sensitive help.

The Depreciation program took a long time to load up but it worked quite well.

The FinancialCalculationsSDI program did nothing. The buttons on the form took me nowhere! Even the Exit button did not work!

The FutureValue program worked well.

Once again, I could only read through this chapter and tried to make sense of this chapter.

Chapter 26. How to deploy an application.

As I am not planning on deploying a VB application soon, I only read through this once.

Final Perspective

If I had to sum this book up in one word, it would be “comprehensive”. The book does a good job of explaining what VB has become. As you would expect, it has certainly come a long way from Visual Basic 3.0, which I first experienced back in the 90's. But what do I think of the book itself.

Firstly, this is NOT a beginners book. If I was not used to VB or programming in general, I would have been overwhelmed. This book is clearly for a more experienced programmer who seeks to get a handle on VB.NET. It certainly does a good job of being a reference book bur I feel that it falls down somewhat as a training book.

For example, the sample programs tended to concentrate on the accounting side of things.
There were many examples of things like calculating Future Value and Product Maintenance etc. If I was looking to develop my own Accounting software, this book would be helpful.

Unfortunately, you said nothing about the multimedia capabilities of VB, which are impressive. There are some brilliant videos on Youtube that demonstrate how to make great multimedia programs with VB.

You also said nothing about the Console Application in VB. I often found it easier to type some examples into the Console to test them out rather than going into the form itself.

You also did not mention the Microsoft Store. I understand that VB can be used to make apps for the Microsoft Windows Store.

I also learned that some of your later chapters were a bit over my head and that I could only read through them and try to make sense of them as best I could. While this does demonstrate how powerful VB has become, these will have to be topics for a later date.

My next point and perhaps my most important is what I leaned about database programming. I discovered that to put a database together in VB is a rather “verbose
exercise. I should point out here that I come from a Microsoft Access background and have done a lot of work in that program. This book did not encourage me to drop Access and go over to VB as I feel that developing in Access is much more straightforward.

Perhaps this highlights a problems. I feel that VB is trying to be the jack of all trades whereas Access is a master of one.

My last point is that other VB books that I have looked at tend to use a more “visual” style
eg they use a lot of images and type in their examples in a point form, eg:

1. Click New project
2. Choose Visual Basic….
3. Verify that the…..
4. Type in My-Roll_The_Dice……..
And so on.

Murach's style tends to be a bit word heavy which does perhaps does not suit this topic.

In summary, I feel that while this book certainly filled in a lot of gaps in my understanding of VB, it falls down as a training book I often had to look to other sources to get a better understanding of topics like Classes, Inheritance and Encapulation.

Thank you so much to the good folks at Murach for sending me this book and giving me the chance to review it.

I look forward to dealing with you again in the future.


Gerry Gates

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