Monday, December 28, 2009

Latest updates

I have not updated this page for a while as I am on holidays and away from my own computer. So here are the latest updates.

I spent christmas eve and christmas day at the Sargeants house in Cronulla. It rained all day Christmas day, so we did not go into the pool as usual. Only about 15 people attended, but that was ok. The Canberra Gates were not present nor were the Queensland Gates, Bill and Kirsten. We had cooked fish for lunch instead of a roast chicken or turkey. I got lots of presents, which was nice. Generally, it was a good day.

The following day, Boxing day, Mum and I flew out for Perth. The flight took about 5 hours. It was pretty smooth flying in an Airbus 330 200. We are staying with Bill at his house in Mullaloo, which is right on the beach.

On Sunday we attended church at 6.00 pm then went for dinner at Scarborough beach.

Yesterday, the 28th of December we travelled to Fremantle where we did a tour of the old Fremantle jail. It was interesting but scary. They had terrible conditions in the past. No wonder there were riots. We saw the place where people were hung.

We had lunch at a harbourside restaurant. I could not finish off the meal.

Today, i am on my own, exploring the city of Perth. It is nice to have a free day.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Period 2009

The christmas period started out not in a not terribly memorable fashion. I was sick all day monday the 21st. I found myself vomiting and feeling really ill after i came back from doing my christmas shopping. I felt lousy and did not sleep all night. I was almost tempted to call of the trip to Sydney. However, i decided that I would not waste my ticket and decided to go. There was also the fact that I could not stand the thought of being stuck in Bendigo on my own over the christmas period.

So I went on tuesday the 22nd. I got the train to Melbourne and then caught the flight to Sydney. The flight with Virgin Blue was ok. I have stayed the last two days and nights with my sister Maryanne in her unit in Neutral Bay. She is a good host. Yesterday she took me to Manly where I had a swim at Manly beach and went or a walk along the Corso. It was nice, although the surf was pretty ordinary. Today we went christmas shopping. Later this evening I will go to Cronulla with my sister Frances, and I will stay with the Sargeants at Cronulla.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Last day of BUCO for 2009

Yesterday, Friday the 18th, I came to work at BUCO but has to leave early as I was feeling unwell.
I had very bad indigestion. I had to go home and sleep it off. I am not sure when I will go back there.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Last Shiraz meeting for the year

Today was a very hot day, reaching 35 degrees at one stage. I gave away some clothes to the Op shops today. We held the last Shiraz Club meeting for the year at the Geri's house in Junortoun. There were only five of is there, including Russell Treloar, which was a surprise. But it was nice to see him. The conversation once again returned to motorcycles, as well as other things.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday on my mind

After finishing up at BUCO today I ran into Kath Tointon in Mitchell St. She hopes to be able to provide me with more work next year. That will be cool.

In the evening I watched a DVD called "The Last Hurrah". It is a documentary about two very old guys from New Zealand who ride two very ancient British bikes all the way from Beijing in China to Arnhem in Holland. One guy is a diabetic. They made the trip successfully. I suppose if they can do it, so could I if I wanted too!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A day to remember

I went to Connect Church this morning and spoke to Ps Simon Williams. He is very keen for me to come on board and start working on the church website. He is also keen for me to get involved in the area of databases. I am looking forward to getting involved as they have now worked out just what structure they will need for the new website. This is very exciting indeed. I feel it is the right time for me to become involved.

I got an email from my sister Maryanne. Apparently I will be staying with her and Lizzy during my stay in Sydney, as Frances is now moving house on the 23rd of December. I will get to stay for a couple of days at Mosman, then Cronulla, which will be cool, i am sure.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Sunday in December

At church once again Ps Simon Williams preached from Nehemiah. His theme is that the Lord is going to build up Connect church. I remember him saying that he does not know just what the Lord will build but it does not matter, as God already knows.

This afternoon, I finished watching "Long Way Down". It was cool.

Funeral of an old friend

This week, my good friend Colin Pilcher passed away after a fall at his home. I have known Colin for more than 40 years and it was sad to se...