Sunday, August 28, 2011

Long weekend in Sydney

To recap: I have been away since last friday (26th August). I flew to Sydney on Friday for the 40th birthday party of my younger sister Frances. When I got to the airport to check in, I found that the ticket agent had not included my baggage in the ticket so I had to pay an extra $40.00 to get my suitcase on board. I was really annoyed as this has not happened before. It an expensive enough weekend without having to fork out any extra.

The flight up was smooth enough. I stayed with my brother Bill who seems to be recovering well from his bike accident. His new unit In Neutral Bay is not bad. Not as nice as his old one. Smaller, but quite livable. The party was nothing flash but it was good to catch up with my relatives again. I also my met my future brother in law, Barry Whiley. He got engaged to my sister Pauline last week.

The other good news was that the Sydney Swans beat Geelong away and the Wallabies beat the Kiwis. It was a good day overall.

I flew back today. I caught the shuttle bus from the airport and was back home by 4.00 pm. It was a good trip but glad to be back here once more.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Wind from the East

Church was interesting this morning. I actually can't remember the sermon but I do remember well a prophecy that was bought at the end. It went like this "Normally in this country the wind comes in from the West. But the Lord will bring in a wind from the East. Go with this wind as it will prop you up, not bear you down"! Interesting!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

A new computer - a clean bill of health.

A few interesting changes have been afoot at BUCO. I now have a new and more modern computer to work with. BUCO have opened up a new office in 49 Forest St. It looks like I will be spending some time there each week, working on updating the BUCO website. I have also got the job of being the cleaner for that building as well, which will increase my workload but also give me some extra income. That is great, things are looking up.

I also visited the doctor this morning for a check up.The results of my recent blood test were in. It is good news. I don't have Prostate cancer and my Cholesterol levels are ok. As well as that, my blood pressure is fine. So it looks like my health is good. Just need to keep losing weight.

Connect Church are not going to go on with the website I have developed. They are going to employ an American program for the web stuff called "Kingdom Tools". This should be interesting!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another Focus Night

Tonight was another Focus Night at Connect Church. Ps Simon continued to outline his vision for the future of this church. He believes that we can be a church of 10,000 people in five years. Not just the 300 we are now. He also talked about a bible college servicing Central Victoria. The theme of the night is that God is expanding our capacity to "dream big" and what God can do in us! very exciting stuff.

Funeral of an old friend

This week, my good friend Colin Pilcher passed away after a fall at his home. I have known Colin for more than 40 years and it was sad to se...