Wednesday, December 18, 2013
BUCO Kangaroo Flat Lunch day
Today, the BUCO staff wer treated to a lunch at the Kangaroo Flat church. It was a very nice lunch, even though not a lot of people attended. Afterwards I went to Connect Church to do some media work. I got to use an Apple Computer for the first time. It was challenging but i got the work done OK.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
2 meetings today. Sadly, we lose Holden.
Today turned out to be quite a memorable day for me. Firstly, I met Dean Shirley, the manager of BUCO and we discussed some interesting new changes that are to be made to the BUCO website next year. He will be forming a panel of four people, including myself to see how we can take it forward.
In the afternoon, I went to Connect Church to discuss doing some multimedia work with them. I showed them the video I took of the Connect Church end of year dinner and they were impressed by both the video and audio quality. I was invited to come back and help them out with their multimedia stuff. I look forward to helping out.
On the sad side today, we heard that Holden will close down in Australia as of the year 2017.That is really sad news.
In the afternoon, I went to Connect Church to discuss doing some multimedia work with them. I showed them the video I took of the Connect Church end of year dinner and they were impressed by both the video and audio quality. I was invited to come back and help them out with their multimedia stuff. I look forward to helping out.
On the sad side today, we heard that Holden will close down in Australia as of the year 2017.That is really sad news.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Connect Church end of year dinner
This evening Connect Church held it's annual end of year dinner. There was great food as usual and we had a number of inspiring presentations afterwards. I believe that 2013 has been a great year and that 2014 will be even better. Many new ministries were pioneered and there is more to come in 2014.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
BUCO Annual Dinner
This evening I attended Bendigo Uniting Care's Annual Dinner. it was held in the Conservatory function room at the All Seasons. It was a great night as usual. Lots of good food and great entertainment just like last year.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
The week that has gone
Just to reap the week that has gone by ans which I forgot to update this blog.
On Thursday the 28th I went to Bendigo TAFE for an interview about possibly attending the 2nd year of the Diploma IN Interactive Media course. I completed the first year in 2007 and I feel that it might be a good idea to finish off the course. I will see what transpires for 2014.
I also booked a flight to Sydney for the Xmas holidays.
On Thursday the 28th I went to Bendigo TAFE for an interview about possibly attending the 2nd year of the Diploma IN Interactive Media course. I completed the first year in 2007 and I feel that it might be a good idea to finish off the course. I will see what transpires for 2014.
I also booked a flight to Sydney for the Xmas holidays.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Magic not misery
Today was a rather hot day. It reached 32 degrees. After finishing work I went to McDonald's for some dinner. While reading my Horoscope I read that it said that you were looking for "magic not misery". Sounds interesting.
I later attended an information evening at Bendigo TAFE with a possible view to doing the Diploma Course in 2014.
I later attended an information evening at Bendigo TAFE with a possible view to doing the Diploma Course in 2014.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Learning Responsive web design
Today was Bendigo Cup day, which is a public holiday in Bendigo. I spent most of the day doing a lesson on Responsive Web design. This makes a web page scale to size if shown on a tablet or a mobile phone. It was a good first lesson and I am glad that I completed it, even though it was a nice day outside.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Coffee Connect day at Skydancer's in Harcourt
Today, the Coffee Connect group from Connect Church traveled down to the Skydancer's cafe in Harcourt for lunch and a general get together. Skydancer's is both a cafe and a place that sells plants and household knick knacks. It was a really nice meal and a really nice day. The only problem was that one older lady fainted later in the day but she recovered and made it home safely. It was a very good trip and we will do it again one day soon. I got to take a lot of really cool photos.
Day at Skydancers Cafe with Coffee Connect
Today, some o the Coffee Connect group from Connect Church traveled down to Harcourt to visit the Skydancer's cafe. it is a cafe that also sells gardenia accessories plus household knick knacks. It was a really nice day with a really nice group. One of the ladies fainted later on, but she was ok later and made it home safely. It was a very nice meal s well.
Friday, October 11, 2013
John Mellor meeting
This evening after work, I went up to the Life Centre Church in Bendigo to attend a healing meeting that features healing evangelist John Mellor. It was good to go back to my old church building, even though a lot has changed since last time I was there.
It was a very exciting meeting and I believe that a lot of people were dynamically and spiritually healed. I received prayer for my hernia condition.
It was a very exciting meeting and I believe that a lot of people were dynamically and spiritually healed. I received prayer for my hernia condition.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Grand Final Day 2013
Today was grand final day 2013. Hawthorn beat Fremantle by 12 points. I thought it as going to be a whitewash but Freo did make a game of it.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Digital Show
On Saturday the 14th (yesterday) , I attended the Digital Show in Melbourne. It was held at the Exhibition Centre in Southbank. There were lots of various vendors there , all showing of their wares. it was an interesting show as i got to try out lots of new technology and various cameras. It was a bit disappointing that Sony did not display as I now have a Sony DSLR. It was a good show anyway. I got lots of great photos and a few videos.
At church this morning, pastor Simon preached on "Revolution". Watch the video.
At church this morning, pastor Simon preached on "Revolution". Watch the video.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
A new book
I bought a new computer book today. It is titled Microsoft Excel 2010 for Dummies. Today is the 12th anniversary of the September 11 attacks in 2001. I might need to get started in Excel.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Harvest time
Pastor Kevin Forlong preached at Connect Church this morning. The theme of his message is that it is "time for the harvest". I feel we will have to wait to find out just what that means.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Election Day 2013
Good news!!! We finally have a new Federal government. Labour has been thrown out at last and Tony Abbott is our new prime Minister. The good news is we might just get some stability in government now.
Go Tony......
Go Tony......
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Last visit from the district nurse.
The district nurse came around today for the last time. She was happy with my legs progress and told me that I needed no more visits from the home nurses.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Ist day of spring 2013
Winter has finally ended. Spring is sprung at last and it was a nice warm day. 23 degrees. That was the coldest winter I can remember for years and I am glad to see the back of it.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Laid up at home with a leg infection
To recap, I am currently laid up at home with a leg infection. I have had the home nurses coming to give me injections up to Monday afternoon. On Monday the doctor put me on a course of oral anti-bionics. They seem to be working. The district nurse is coming every day to change my dressing. I will be happy when this is all over.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
An overnight stay in Bendigo Hospital
The last two days have been eventful to say the least.
On Wednesday morning I visited to inquire about a sudden infection on my lower right leg.
It looked like a ripe sunburn but he doctor told me it was Cellulitis. A bug has got in under the skin and caused it to swell. He referred me to The Bendigo Base Hospital for an inspection and an overnight stay. The Doctors gave me a good examination, pumped some antibacterial fluid into me and gave me a bed for the night.
I did not have a good night's rest however as the ward was cold and it was a bit like Pitt St in there. Not a great place for sleeping. I was glad when they said I could go home and have the rest of my treatment at home. I could not stand another night in that place.
A couple of home nurses will visit me for the next three days to continue the treatment.
I should be OK by the end of next week.
On Wednesday morning I visited to inquire about a sudden infection on my lower right leg.
It looked like a ripe sunburn but he doctor told me it was Cellulitis. A bug has got in under the skin and caused it to swell. He referred me to The Bendigo Base Hospital for an inspection and an overnight stay. The Doctors gave me a good examination, pumped some antibacterial fluid into me and gave me a bed for the night.
I did not have a good night's rest however as the ward was cold and it was a bit like Pitt St in there. Not a great place for sleeping. I was glad when they said I could go home and have the rest of my treatment at home. I could not stand another night in that place.
A couple of home nurses will visit me for the next three days to continue the treatment.
I should be OK by the end of next week.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Ears waxed out
This afternoon, I visited the Primary Care Clinic where a doctor syringed the wax out of my ears. I can now hear much better, which is great.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Continuing Education
At church this morning, Col Flitton asked me if i was a TAFE teacher. I told him that I had done some adult education in the past. He asked for my resume which I will send him. Maybe I could get another stint at Continuing Ed.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Lynn Tobin
At church this morning, Lynn Tobin was the guest speaker. The theme of her sermon was "Pick up your pen". It doesn't matter what has happened in the past, or how old you are, be prepared to start again.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Licence renewal
I had to take a day off from work at BUCO as I was feeling unwell. I feel that I was suffering from Reflux. I could not sleep at all the night before and I was having trouble breathing properly but I have since made a recovery. I have not felt like eating for two days.
I got my car and bike license renewed today and also bought a new heater. The one I has was getting very old.
I got my car and bike license renewed today and also bought a new heater. The one I has was getting very old.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
A visit to the Dietician
Today, I had an appointment with the Dietician at Bendigo Hospital. I feel she gave me some good advice about food. I was feeling rather ill all day monday.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
I found a wallet
After leaving the gym this morning, I found a wallet on the footpath near ALDI in Strathdale. I could not find the phone number of the person who owned it, so I took it to the Bendigo Police station and handed it in. The officer on duty said it was the third wallet handed in today and that the person who lost it had rung up a few moments earlier asking if it has been handed in. I am sure that the owner of the wallet is a very relieved person this evening....!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Another hospital visit
I visited outpatients at the Bendigo Hospital today to get a check up on my hernia issue. I spoke to a different doctor but got nowhere. He told me I should see a dietician and told me to comeback in 3 to 6 months.
I am getting very frustrated with this whole issue. I know it is not the doctors fault but it is still very frustrating for me. I believe prayer is the only answer now. I don't think I will bother with the health care system any more as far as this issue goes.
I am getting very frustrated with this whole issue. I know it is not the doctors fault but it is still very frustrating for me. I believe prayer is the only answer now. I don't think I will bother with the health care system any more as far as this issue goes.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Taking a "sickie"
I did not go to BUCO today as I was feeling really unwell. I got no sleep the night before and felt like "crap" all day long.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
A new PHP book
Today, after my gym session, I bought a new PHP book called PHP and MySQL for Dummies.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Kevin Furness's 60th birthday party
Tonight we celebrated Kevin Furness's 60th birthday party. There was a party at his house in strathfieldsaye. It was a great night and a lot of people were there. It was great to catch up with some old faces as well as meet some new people. It was a great party and great to catch up.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
2013 Eurovision weekend
This weekend was Eurovision weekend. in the end, Denmark won, as expected.
It was a pretty good show as usual. Never manages to disappoint.
The weather has turned very cold. I feel it will be a very cold winter.
It was a pretty good show as usual. Never manages to disappoint.
The weather has turned very cold. I feel it will be a very cold winter.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Testing out my new camera
Today, I went to the Kennington reservoir to test out my new camera. I shot both video and still images of the local wildlife and managed to get generally very good results. The video quality is very good, which i am pleased about. I also got some good images using the auto-focus. I will keep experimenting and get better over time.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
A new DSLR camera
Today, I bought myself a new DSLR camera. It is a Sony A37. It cost me $950.00 and I had to borrow some money under the NILS scheme to buy it, but I feel it will be worth it. It opens the door for me to get into DSLR photography. I am not sure just what I will end up using it for, but I am sure something will come up.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
A day trip to St Arnaud
Today, I went to st Arnuad in Central Victoria with a few friends from Connect Church. We had lunch up there and visited the Bible museum. It is the only one in Australia. They had an interesting collection of bibles and religious artifacts from all over the world there. I did not expect to see such a place in a fairly small town but it was an interesting experience. The museum is run by a mother and daughter and they also had an interesting collection of butterflies. It was a very interesting day all up and well worth the trip.
Find out more at
Find out more at
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Old debts paid off
I am feeling really good right now. I just managed to retire a couple of old debts that had been bothering me for some time. Not a lot of money involved but good to say goodbye to them.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Good friday 2013
Today is Good Friday for 2013. I attended a Good Friday service this morning at Connect Church. It was pretty good. In the afternoon i watched "Prometheus" on my new DVD player. It was better the second time i saw it. The scenes made more sense this time.
It was a pretty quiet day all up.
It was a pretty quiet day all up.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Today, i was scheduled to go to a meeting in St Andrews Ave with a group called Common Equity Housing Ltd.
Unfortunately, I could not make it to the meeting. At about 1.00 pm i was hit by a terrible case of tiredness.
I felt so tired that I had to go home and sleep for two hours. I was out like a light.
I just hope I am net getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or something like that.
Unfortunately, I could not make it to the meeting. At about 1.00 pm i was hit by a terrible case of tiredness.
I felt so tired that I had to go home and sleep for two hours. I was out like a light.
I just hope I am net getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or something like that.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
A new mobile phone and video editing
Today, I bought a new mobile phone. It cost me all of $20.00 and I bought it from ALDI. It will be interesting to see how it goes.
I also visited Wayne Field and he showed me some interesting stuff about video editing. It was a very informative visit.
I also visited Wayne Field and he showed me some interesting stuff about video editing. It was a very informative visit.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Connect Church Focus Night
Connect Church held it's first Focus Night for 2013. At lot of people were there. Dinner was served and after wards the leaders outlined their visions for 2013. The theme for the year is "Deeper and wider".
Thursday, January 24, 2013
My 59th birthday
Today is my 59th birthday. Hooray!! If anybody asks me my age, I say I am 33 and a bit!! I got a nice present when I got home as well as a card from my mum. I also put in a new quote for the cleaning job and got onto a better deal with my electricity provider. It was a good day over all.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Interview with the new CEO
Today I has my first interview with new Paul Davis, the new CEO of BUCO. He told me that he wants to utilize my skills more fully in the work of the agency. I will be more involved in training of staff in data entry from now on. This should be interesting!!!
This morning I got the donations link up and running on the BUCO website. We can now receive online donations.
This morning I got the donations link up and running on the BUCO website. We can now receive online donations.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Back to Bendigo
Today was the end of my holidays for 2012-2013. I flew back to Melbourne from Coolangatta. The flight lasted two hours and it wrapped up my time on the Gold Coast. Suffice to say that I had a great time on the Gold Coast and I look forward to my next visit up there.
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A good day at last.
I finally had a good day after a week of frustration. My internet had stopped working for a week or so. However, my good friend Gary Davis h...
Today, for the first time in four years, I bought a new PC. It is a Medion PC that I bought for $499.00 from Aldi in Strathdale. It is super...
Today, I went down to the town of Maldon to have lunch with the Coffee Connect group. We had lunch at the Maldon Hotel. I was great. It was ...
This afternoon, BUCO held a farewell luncheon for Kathleen Tointon, out outgoing senior manager. It was held at the Uniting Church hall in F...